Cured – Your Friendly Guide to COVID-19



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Here it is … everything you need to know about COVID-19 – the entire scam, exposed.  It’s all sourced and almost entirely quoted, so you don’t have to take my word for anything.

It would be best to read this like a book, or go through it like you’re taking a class, but if this is too much information for you I have some suggestions:

If you want to know about issues related to confirmed cases of COVID-19, such as how the powers that be are lying about true case numbers, then read Shedding a Little Light and then “Confirmed Cases”.

If you want to know about issues connected to confirmed deaths, such as how the powers that be are literally creating “confirmed” deaths, read A Killer Virus?

If you want undeniable proof that COVID-19 is nowhere close to being a killer virus, read A Lone Shooter? and then A Killer Virus?


A Brief Description of Each Section (“chapter”)

Shedding a Little Light gives a needed foundation for understanding COVID-19 and coronaviruses.

“Confirmed Cases” goes over everything related to so-called confirmed cases of COVID-19; this includes the types of tests (pgs. 36-47), the proven unreliability of the tests (pgs. 31-47), the flaws in the CDC assay (pgs. 129-145), and an in-depth look at PCR (pgs. 113-129).

Bad Science, Bad Virus piggybacks off of what’s proven in “Confirmed Cases” to prove the science behind COVID-19 is bad, and is, in turn, making the virus seem bad.

A Lone Shooter? challenges the idea of COVID-19, and any virus, being the lone shooter, the lone killer.

A Killer Virus? totally destroys the idea that COVID-19 is a killer virus, and exposes everything related to confirmed COVID-19 deaths; including how since day one they have been doing more than just padding the numbers, they’ve been creating almost all of the numbers, if not all of them.

The Joke’s on You exposes the hoax elements involved in this scare (Hollywood, media, celebrities, staged events, etc.).

COVID-19 vs. Influenza is a true comparison of COVID-19 to Influenza, with some additional information at the end exposing SARS and MERS.  This section will actually empower you because of what you’ll learn about your body, illnesses and pathogens.

How to Create the Perfect Storm exposes the people and institutions involved in this COVID-19 scare, and how they are all connected: the elite, WHO, FDA, CDC, Dr. Fauci and the NIH; and China.

The HIV/AIDS Connection is a project in itself.  This totally exposes the HIV/AIDS hoax (yes, a hoax), and shows how closely it mirrors this COVID-19 scare; even having the same players.

Testing Timeline is a timeline (How did you guess?) documenting everything related to COVID-19 testing, pretty much everything that occurred.

“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” highlights past virus scares.

A New World Order exposes the plans of the elite as it relates to COVID-19.



Collateral damage in this project: SARS is barely living, MERS is barely living, Influenza is barely living, and HIV/AIDS is dead.  Sorry. 
*To see this about SARS, MERS, and Influenza would require reading pages 3 through 342; and for HIV/AIDS, The HIV/AIDS Connection, with pages 3 through 342 confirming it further.