Tag Archive: order out of chaos
August 5, 2016
Banksters, US Government
Baltimore, Beyonce, Black Lives Matter, Black people, blacks vs. the police, divide and conquer, federalized police force, Ferguson, George Soros, Jesse Williams, killed by cop, martial law, Open Society, order out of chaos, paid trolls, Philando Castile, police, police shootings, psychological operation, psychological war, race war, racial divide, revolution, shooting hoax, staged shootings, the mainstream media
August 24, 2015
Banksters, God/Spiritual
Albert Pike, Babylon, Babylonian System, Bankers, compulsory education, debt slave, Freemasonry, Lucifer, Marduk, New Age, new world order, order out of chaos, peonage system, savage man, sharecropping system, the "gods", the Matrix